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Monday, February 21, 2011

Game updates on gametest.roblox.com!

Hello, this is Jmanfh, and I would like to announce the new game updates on gametest.roblox.com (may not always be online).

On the site, the mods added a new feature - a camera position feature. Want to drag, or click to look at something? Try the 'drag to look' or 'click to look'. There's also character lock, and classic for those of you who find it easier. You can find this by clicking the little gear icon next to the ROBLOX Studio and Building tools.

Me, and many others have been waiting for this for a long time. You can now record! All you have to do is click the 'Record' button in your bottom right corner, and you're recording! To stop it you just click it once more, and the recording stops and saves it to your ROBLOX Video file. This is great, because instead of buying potentially harmful screen recorders for ROBLOX, use this safe, almost lag free one!

The new ROBLOX Game updates are great. No more spending money to buy video recorders to record a video on ROBLOX, and no more stress teetering with the camera options.


Gametest: gametest.roblox.com

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Welcome to the Daily Robloxia!

The Daily Robloxia's job is to inform users about the latest news in ROBLOX. We hold parties, and contests. 
I wish you good luck in ROBLOX, and remember to check back every few days!